The Bullet Journal Method

In a previous blog post, I shared about building a second brain. You can read more about that here.

In that post, I share how I am journaling my key takeaways from the books I am currently reading. I decided to take another step and create a digital journal to share a summary and key takeaways from each book.


The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll is not only an explanation of the use and action of the bullet journal system, but also the purpose behind the method. He focuses on intentionality and mindfulness to effectively use the bullet journal system and the importance of individuality in its application.

Throughout the book, Carroll shares personal stories, tips, and exercises to help readers implement the Bullet Journal Method successfully. By using the system, individuals can develop a greater sense of clarity, focus, and organization in their daily lives while fostering creativity and self-reflection.

Key Takeaways

  • Take time for self-reflection. Consider how each “daily task” adds value to your life or not.

  • Focus on intentionality. Find purpose in what you do.

  • Being busy isn’t necessarily being productive.

  • Time is a valuable limited resource.

  • Goals should be broken down into smaller actionable steps such as sprints. Defeat burnout with a break goal/sprint.

  • Kaizen means “good change” or continual improvement.

  • Use the Deming Cycle for continual improvement: Plan -> Do -> Check -> Act.

  • Use the 5 whys to determine the root of your intentions. To further clarify use the fill-in sentence: I want ______(what) so that I can _____(why) by _____(how).

“It’s not about how your journal looks; it’s about how it makes you feel and how effective it is.”-page 288

Action Item

Take time to become mindful of my daily tasks, and incorporate the elements of the bullet journal system in a practical and useful way that suits my individual needs.

Ryder Carrol starts the book by highlighting the paradox of living in a highly connected information age, but the lack of connection with ourselves. Taking time for mindfulness and living with intention will lead to a more productive and fulfilling life. Incorporating the bullet journal method is a tool to live out these principles.

Read more book reviews: Click Here to Read More


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