Our Iceberg Is Melting

In a previous blog post, I shared about building a second brain. You can read more about that here.

In that post, I share how I am journaling my key takeaways from the books I am currently reading. I decided to take another step and create a digital journal to share a summary and key takeaways from each book.


Our Iceberg Is Melting is a fable written by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber that tells the story of a colony of penguins living on an iceberg. The book uses this fictional tale to illustrate the process of organizational change and the importance of embracing change in a rapidly evolving world.

The story highlights several important lessons about change management. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the need for change, communicating the urgency effectively, and overcoming resistance to change within an organization. It also underscores the significance of leadership, teamwork, and a willingness to embrace new ideas and adapt to new circumstances.

Key Takeaways

  • Reduce complacency & increase urgency.

  • What sustains us cannot go on forever.

  • Working as a team is essential to dealing with change.

  • Clear, consistent communication in your messaging.

  • Acknowledge and address responses to how others feel about your messaging.

  • Be consistent until the change becomes the new norm.

  • Empower others to lead the new changes.

“What is my ‘iceberg’ and how can I use what I discover in the story.” -Foreward

Action Item

Reflect on what is my iceberg, and how am I handling upcoming changes.

Our Iceberg Is Melting serves as a metaphor for the challenges and opportunities that organizations face in a rapidly changing world. It encourages readers to embrace change, foster a culture of innovation, and navigate through uncertain times to ensure long-term success. How are you handling your “iceberg”?

Read more book reviews: Click Here to Read More


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