Key Questions to Ask When Hiring a Bookkeeper

As a small business owner, you might be wondering…

What questions do I ask when hiring a bookkeeper?

Hiring a bookkeeper is a critical decision for any small business owner. A skilled bookkeeper not only manages your financial records but also provides valuable insights and support to help your business thrive. To ensure you find the right fit for your business, it is essential to ask the right questions during the evaluation process. In this blog post, we explore key questions to ask when hiring a bookkeeper to ensure they meet your business's needs and expectations.

What Qualifications and Experience Do You Have?

Understanding a bookkeeper's qualifications and experience is crucial for assessing their ability to handle your business's financial needs. Ask about their educational background, certifications, and relevant experience working with small businesses.

What Areas of Bookkeeping Do You Specialize In?

Bookkeeping encompasses various tasks, including accounts payable and receivable, payroll processing, and financial reporting. Determine which areas of bookkeeping the candidate specializes in and whether they align with your business's requirements.

Are You Proficient in Accounting Software and Tools?

Most modern bookkeepers rely on accounting software and tools to manage financial records efficiently. Inquire about the candidate's proficiency with accounting software such as QuickBooks, Xero, or FreshBooks. Ensure they can adapt to your preferred software or implement new software if needed.

How Will You Communicate with Me?

Clear and effective communication is essential for a successful partnership with your bookkeeper. Discuss how often the bookkeeper will communicate with you, the preferred communication channels (email, phone, video calls), and their availability for questions and concerns.

What Are Your Billing Structures or Fees?

Understanding the bookkeeper's billing structures or fees is essential for budgeting purposes. Inquire about their fixed or hourly rate, monthly retainer, or project-based fees. Clarify whether there are any additional fees or charges that you should be aware of.

How Do You Ensure Client Confidentiality and Data Security?

Protecting the confidentiality and security of your financial data is paramount. Discuss the bookkeeper's measures for safeguarding sensitive information, such as encryption protocols, data backup procedures, and confidentiality agreements.

Are You Available to Accommodate My Business's Schedule and Deadlines?

Ensure the bookkeeper can accommodate your business's schedule and deadlines, especially during peak times or tax season. Inquire about their availability and flexibility to handle fluctuations in workload or urgent requests.

Do You Understand My Business Goals and Priorities?

A bookkeeper who understands your business goals and priorities can provide valuable insights and support tailored to your needs. Discuss whether the candidate has experience working with businesses similar to yours and if they can offer recommendations to help you achieve your financial objectives.


Asking the right questions when hiring a bookkeeper is essential for finding the right fit for your business. By understanding their qualifications, areas of expertise, communication style, billing structure, and commitment to client confidentiality, you can make an informed decision and choose a bookkeeper who will effectively support your business's financial needs and goals.


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