Week 29 (Day 4): Asset Management

Day 4: Assessing Asset Performance

  • Take Action

  • Helpful Tip

  • Free Resource

Week 29 Day 4 Action Plan

Today, let's focus on practically navigating and assessing the performance of your business assets. Understanding their effectiveness is pivotal for making informed management decisions.

Take Action: Navigating Asset Performance

  • Evaluate the performance of each asset and its contribution to business goals.

  • Identify underperforming assets and analyze their impact on your business.

Helpful Tip:

  • Regular assessments help optimize asset use and identify areas for improvement.

Free Resource:

Stay in Touch

Do you have any underutilized assets? Or assets that need to be disposed of?

Until tomorrow, happy financial management!


Week 29 (Day 5): Asset Management


Week 29 (Day 3): Asset Management