Week 28 (Day 5): Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Day 5: Building a Strong Cybersecurity Plan

  • Take Action

  • Helpful Tip

  • Free Resource

Week 28 Day 5 Action Plan

Today, let's develop a plan for building and maintaining robust cybersecurity measures. A well-structured plan ensures your business's digital safety.

Take Action: Building a Resilient Cybersecurity Plan

  • Develop a comprehensive cybersecurity plan tailored to your business needs.

  • Educate your employees on cybersecurity best practices and protocols.

Helpful Tip:

  • Regularly test and update your cybersecurity plan to stay ahead of potential threats.

Free Resource:

Stay in Touch

In what ways have you updated your current cybersecurity plan based on the information from this week’s topic?

Until tomorrow, happy financial management!


Week 28 (Day 6): Cybersecurity for Small Businesses


Week 28 (Day 4): Cybersecurity for Small Businesses