Week 26 (Day 2): Risk Assessment

Day 2: Setting the Stage for Risk Assessment

  • Take Action

  • Helpful Tip

  • Free Resource

Week 26 Day 2 Action Plan

Welcome to Week 26 of our Financial Management Series! This week, we explore the crucial topic of Risk Assessment—an essential aspect of ensuring the longevity and resilience of your business. Let's set the stage for mastering risk assessment together.

Take Action: Welcome to Risk Assessment!

  • Reflect on your current understanding of risk in your business.

  • Identify key areas or aspects of your business that may be vulnerable to various risks.

Helpful Tip:

  • Risk assessment is not about eliminating all risks but managing them effectively.

Free Resource:

Stay in Touch

What risks did you identify that could apply to your business?

Until tomorrow, happy financial management!


Week 26 (Day 3): Risk Assessment


Week 26 (Day 1): Risk Assessment