Week 24 (Day 6): Retirement Planning for Business Owners

Day 6: Strategies for a Successful Retirement Transition

  • Take Action

  • Helpful Tip

  • Free Resource

Week 24 Day 6 Action Plan

Today, we explore the importance of strategic planning for a successful retirement transition. Proactive measures can optimize the success of your retirement plan and ensure a positive transition from business ownership.

Take Action: Crafting Your Retirement Transition

  • Develop a strategic plan for transitioning from business ownership to retirement.

  • Consider consulting with financial advisors for guidance on wealth preservation.

Helpful Tip:

  • Open communication with key stakeholders, including family members, enhances the success of your retirement transition.

Free Resource:

Stay in Touch

Congratulations on completing Week 24!

Tomorrow we will recap our lesson and actions for the week, happy financial management!


Week 24 (Day 7): Retirement Planning for Business Owners


Week 24 (Day 5): Retirement Planning for Business Owners