Week 22 (Day 2): Business Valuation

Day 2: Setting the Stage for Business Valuation

  • Take Action

  • Helpful Tip

  • Free Resource

Week 22 Day 2 Action Plan

Welcome to Week 22 of our Financial Management Series! This week, we explore the fascinating world of Business Valuation—a worthwhile assessment for understanding the worth of your business. Let's set the stage for mastering business valuation together.

Take Action: Welcome to Business Valuation!

  • Reflect on your current understanding of business valuation.

  • Identify why understanding the value of your business is crucial for future planning.

Helpful Tip:

  • A solid understanding of your business's value can guide strategic decisions.

Free Resource:

Stay in Touch

What next phase of your business would understanding the valuation of your business be helpful to make more informed decisions about the upcoming changes in your business?

Until tomorrow, happy financial management!


Week 22 (Day 3): Business Valuation


Week 22 (Day 1): Business Valuation