Week 19 (Day 2): Handling IRS Audits

Day 2: Setting the Stage for Handling IRS Audits

  • Take Action

  • Helpful Tip

  • Free Resource

Week 19 Day 2 Action Plan

Welcome to Week 19 of our Financial Management Series! This week, we tackle the important topic of Handling IRS Audits—a crucial aspect of ensuring compliance and navigating potential challenges. Let's set the stage for mastering the art of handling IRS audits together.

Take Action: Welcome to Handling IRS Audits!

  • Reflect on your current understanding of IRS audits.

  • Identify specific areas in your business where knowledge of handling audits can be beneficial.

Helpful Tip:

  • Proactive measures can make the audit process smoother.

Free Resource:

Stay in Touch

What preparation measures do you have in place in case an audit were to occur?

Until tomorrow, happy financial management!


Week 19 (Day 3): Handling IRS Audits


Week 19 (Day 1): Handling IRS Audits