Week 12 (Day 7): Financing Options for Small Businesses

Day 7: Weekly Recap & Reflection

  • Recap

  • Reflection Questions

  • Free Resource

Week 12 Day 7 Action Plan

Congratulations on completing Week 12 of our Financial Management Series! Let's recap what we have covered.

Week 12 Recap: Navigating Financing Options

  • Exploring Financing Options: Reflecting on your current financial needs.

  • Traditional Financing Channels: Navigating loans and credit lines.

  • Alternative Financing Solutions: Unveiling crowdfunding and angel investors.

  • Government Assistance Programs: Tapping into available financial support.

  • The Role of Investors and Partnerships: Leveraging investments and partnerships.

It's reflection time! Take a moment today to reflect on what you learned during Week 12.

Reflective Questions

  • What financing options resonate most with your business needs?

  • Are there specific challenges or concerns you have about securing funding?

  • How do you envision applying these financing options to support your business goals?

Free Resource:

Stay in Touch

I would love to hear how Week 12 went for you! Ready for Week 13?

Next Week: Financial Ratios for Small Businesses


Week 13 (Day 1): Financial Ratios for Small Businesses


Week 12 (Day 6): Financing Options for Small Businesses